Rainy Day Farm
What to Bring
Food: If your pet is on a special diet. Otherwise we feed a premium brand of Lamb and Rice to dogs and have a variety of foods for cats at no addititional charge.
Bedding: We prefer to use our own beds but you may bring bedding from home if your pet has special needs.
Toys and Treats: Anything that will make your pet feel more at home.
Updated Shot Record: With proof of rabies and bordetella.
8:30-10:00 am
5:00-6:00 pm
300 Hackett Hollow
Smethport PA
Charges begin day of arrival regardless of time. No charge for day if pickup is in the morning.
- One dog: $12.00 per day
- Second dog: $8.00 per day
- Third dog: $7.00 per day
- Cats $4.00 per day
Grooming is available at an additional charge on Monday and Saturday.
Rabies and bordetella shots required for all dogs (most vets give bordetella only upon request).
No dog will be accepted for boarding that has been to another kennel, groomer, or the vet within the two weeks previous to boardng.
No puppies under the age of four months will be accepted. Must have proof of parvovirus series.